Who are the vampire stepdads?
When I was a baby girl, I was cursed by the lust of evil adults. Rapists of all sexes knew that the artists, scientists, and activists in my family just so happened to also be beautiful to their lecherous eyes. Rapists think that they can rape anyone they like.
Rapists understand how lies and fraud work. They’re fully aware that people in hospitals are lying there, unable to leave, surrounded by drugs and needles. A smart pedophile wouldn’t bother to be “my neighbor” - they’d just send a young-looking pedophile to medical school to funnel me into their eternal rape and torture pipeline.
pedophiles understand stereotypes. Men and women work together.
women weaponize their gender to rape and torture children in broad daylight.
check out daphne ripper for more on the women who ripped apart my womb, stabbed my clitoris, and raped me at summer camp and as a babysitter who loved to take me in for bikini waxes.
I’ve hidden the faces of the women who lied about being children. First names only. you might recognize their features.
No last names because I don’t want innocent women to go through the hell of proving innocence. The same women use aliases so it’s easy, I hope, for any innocent blondes to say “nope, I’m not Lindsay The Blonde and Blue-eyed Baby-Sitter who takes my victims to get bikini waxes then hands children a card for a complicit plastic surgeon after I’ve convinced a child she needs breast implants.”
How many men around the world use fraud to rape children? Who knows.
it could be immigration fraud, use of their old-money political connections, or lying to the mother of their children. some men are evil enough to “baby-trap” a woman and then try to force their own sons to seduce younger women for them. seriously!
I describe only my memories. These illustrations show the fleeting phantoms of faces I remember quietly fleeing hospital rooms. I’ve remarked several times that it’s strange for a man in a business suit to be running out of a surgery room.
When I was seven I asked: “Is that man lost? Why is there a man with a suit inside a hospital? Does he think I’m his daughter?”
No. He was zipping up his pants after he fucked me without a condom on. He enlisted the women who sterilized me awake, crying, and begging. This man would rather pay to have a child sexually tortured and sterilized than use a condom when raping a toddler, child, teenager, and eventually a woman. I learned in New York City that people who targeted me are incredibly prolific and active internationally. We can stop them together.
The United States treats rape survivors so horribly that, in my opinion, we are now one of the sex tourism capitals of the world. everyone saw how we treated anita hill.
as a nation we never stopped dragging rape victims through hell on television.
Any rapist or pedophile with two brain cells now knows that the United States of America is a free-rape country. They can and do rape people here knowing that they’ll never be caught. As an added bonus, rapists know that their victims will be humiliated by the media if we dare to breathe a word about what happened to us.
Who else has been dragged through hell based on what a rapist does since? I’ve lost count, honestly. Christina Aguilera was called “DIRTY” or attention-seeking for singing about surviving rape. Paparazzi asked what exactly Tina Turner, Whitney Houston, and Rihanna “DID” to deserve being battered. People accused Nicki Minaj of all kinds of awful things and I never understood why.
Who cares if Cardi B danced for dollars? That’s like working in construction for beautiful women!
I was horrified by what the internet said after Megan Thee Stallion WAS SHOT. There does not need to be a “reason why” an innocent person goes through hell! For fuck’s sake, when are we as a species going to learn that evil people do cruel things to anyone they want? There often isn’t a “REASON WHY” other than “A RAPIST WANTED TO RAPE.”
You know, maybe stephanie meyer outsmarted her publishers.
It’s been a minute since I read any YA books. Take this an internet theory. However: she’s a smart woman. Perhaps she knew very well that she’d never get a publishing deal if she described real older men using fraud to gain access to children. She might have written Twilight as a YA book understanding how brain development works.
when you’re young, the idea of a powerful older creature finding you impossibly seductive is indeed sexy.
I reckon it’s because most young people feel misunderstood. Our world tells us we’re ugly, fat, pimply, awkward, and generally unloveable. Speaking from painful experience. A vampire seeing a girl’s inner beauty is hot when you’re a teenager.
However: the older you get the more you shudder inside. Why the fuck is a 100-something year old immortal hanging out in high schools?
Could be that the woman was playing the long game. She knew how young girls’ minds work, was a mother, and intended to warn future generations.
in fact, my own mother regularly terrified me and tiger-mothered the absolute blue blazes out of me.
Sadly I suspect that this is necessary.
Adults have terrified children since the age of myths. Why? Why have we never reformed our society? Children remained an endangered species for all of recorded history!